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We are back in the United States for a couple of months to report back to many of our supporting churches in and around Texas. If we missed you this time, let us know and we can plan on visiting next time we’re back. We have been very encouraged by the churches we are visiting. In our absence from Colombia, we’ve been hearing stories of salvations and new families connecting with the church.
Anna has been spending a lot of time with Ariana, who was saved right before she left Venezuela. She arrived to one of our sister churches on the other side of Colombia, where she began attending church. She later moved to Bogotá, where Anna has begun to disciple her. Her desire to learn, grow, and take steps of faith has really impressed us.
It’s incredible to think how God orchestrated her salvation in one country, connected her with a church in another, and then brought her to us to continue growing in her faith. She hasn’t been able to attend our church services yet because the only job she found requires her to work on Sundays. Pray for Ariana to find a job that gives her Sundays off.
Lucy went to camp earlier this year, believed in Jesus, and brought her daughter, Paola, to church the following Sunday, where she also put her faith in Jesus. Now, months later, they are getting more and more involved in church.
We are planning our Kids Month VBS for every Sunday in March. We will have the opportunity to involve more kids and parents than ever in the program. Pray for us as we begin to prepare for a great month of connecting with families in our community and sharing the news of Jesus with everyone!
Audrey, Jonathan’s mother, was diagnosed with lymphoma earlier this year. After months of chemo, the cancer seems to be under control. She will be having her tonsils removed in January to be sure every bit of cancer is gone. Please pray for her as she goes through this. The doctor warned her it would be extremely painful!