Buildings foR
A wise investment in church planting.
*100% of donations are tax deductible and go directly to the building fund.
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The Colombia Building Fund will:
Provide church buildings:
Multiple churches can use the building for church services.
Help churches serve their communities:
Each week the building could host: tutoring, after-school programs, college classes, a feeding center, sports programs, a coffee shop, and anything that helps reach and connect with people.
Provide buildings for future church plants:
Churches and activities that pay rent (coffee shop, sports programs, churches) generate income to purchase new buildings.
Donations to the Colombia Building Fund will be multiplied over and over by the churches that benefit from it.
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In Bogotá, churches give faithfully. They pay a pastor. They volunteer their time to keep costs down. They rent a church building. Rent eats away 60% or more of the church budget. As the church grows, needs and expenses grow just as fast. Very little is left for ministry and missions.
Renting feels like an endless cycle and a waste of the sacrificial giving of faithful church members.
Yet, there has been no alternative for our churches, until now.