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For six years now, God has been leading us to start more churches. We want to see churches started in all of the 1,119 cities in Colombia and in the thousands of neighborhoods where people have yet to hear the Gospel.
After learning what it requires to start a church in Colombia, we though it was impossible to reach them all. Fortunately, nothing is impossible with God.
After years of prayer, we are announcing the Colombia Building Fund. We are asking American churches and individuals to help purchase the first building where three of our churches will meet.
The building will equip the churches that use it to save their own funds to purchase buildings for future church-planting endeavors in other parts of Colombia.
Would you give generously to build this first building? You will be equipping Colombian churches to fund their church-planting ministries from now until Jesus returns.
This is the next step for our ministry, and we can’t do it without generous giving from churches and christians like you! Visit to learn more.
Many of you prayed for Craig Lingo’s battle with cancer. After receiving a great report from his doctor this summer, Craig and Fran returned to Colombia to continue their work. Shortly after arriving, they both contracted COVID. Fran got better, but Craig did not. He passed away in July from pneumonia. You can read more about this in Fran’s letter on our team site:
Craig was full of wisdom and experience. He truly understood Colombian culture and God used him to build a very strong foundation for ministry in Colombia. Everyone will miss him until we see him in heaven, but he left an incredible legacy that we will keep building on.
This summer, Ali Alexander partnered with Manna Worldwide to launch an after-school program in our church building. Scott and Kristi Hudgins made the trip to Colombia to help get the program started. We're excited about what they’re doing with youth in our neighborhood!
Our furlough plan was to spend time with family right away, take care of all of our medical checkups, prepare our video and presentation for churches, and schedule appointments.
That was the plan until Jonathan had a minor surgery that led to what the surgeon called “the worst infection I’ve ever seen.”
Jonathan was in pain for two weeks before the surgeon realized the seriousness of his condition. After going to the emergency room because of the pain, he was admitted to the hospital for a week and given IV antibiotics and pain medicine. He was released when the pain was controlled with oral medications.
A week later, Jonathan was back in surgery. The surgeon realized the damage from the infection was worse than previously believed and opted to surgically remove every sign of infection. The recovery was slow, but after the whole 40-day ordeal, Jonathan is mostly back to normal.
Evelyn was also taken to the E.R. by ambulance when she ate what she mistakenly thought was a non-dairy chocolate chip. She’s extremely allergic to milk, and we were very worried when her hives kept returning after epinephrine injections. Eventually, Evelyn did recover and was released from the E.R. late the same night.
Some have asked if we have any financial needs because of these situations. Thankfully, we have great insurance through the Mission Office and we’re doing well. We really appreciate the concern that so many have shown for us.