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Dear Pastor and Friends,
I have been wanting to write you for several weeks, but I kept waiting for more concrete news concerning some health problems that I am having: In March, my doctor ordered an MRI because I was a fairly high-risk for prostate cancer. The test showed that there is cancer, but it also showed that there was some strange activity in a couple of clusters of lymph nodes. We decided to get additional tests in Colombia and undergo treatment there. When I finally located a urologist, he sent me for two biopsies. One for the prostate, which confirmed that I have stage one cancer in a small portion of my prostate. The other biopsy on the lymph nodes was delayed on three different occasions, so we finally decided last Friday to travel back to Missouri, and I placed myself in the hands of an oncologist here. This past Monday, I underwent a PEP scan. On Tuesday, the oncologist informed me that there is a high probability that I have lymphoma. Now I am waiting to be scheduled for a biopsy sometime in the next few days. This will define with certainty whether there is actually cancer and what type.
These are uncertain times for us. The day I received the initial notice of cancer, I was concluding an online module of Romans with our Bible Institute students. The portion I was to teach was Romans 8:28 – 39, which starts out: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. As ominous as the word “cancer” can be, God very promptly reminded me that this is a time to test whether this “knowing” that all things work together for good is just a matter of head knowledge or heart knowledge. The Lord and I have walked together now for more than sixty-five years, and I have seen time after time how this statement plays out for good! God planned my life in eternity past, and I have seen him lead every step of the way...This is simply one more step in his marvelous plan, which will someday conclude in my glorification.
Please pray for:
Fran and me as we deal with all of the matters that have abruptly taken first place in our schedule. We must find out what is really going on and face whatever treatment is necessary. So far, waiting has been the most difficult part.
For our three boys. Each one is at a different stage spiritually. They need to understand this new reality. We pray that they will grow through it.
The work in Colombia and the fine national leaders who are carrying on. It was time to let them sit behind the wheel and steer things!
That in the midst of all of this we will glorify God. We teach people far more by our example than by our words. We have seen God vividly present in so many parts of this event. We need to point those moments out to those around us.
Paul follows up with a rhetorical question:
What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
I suspect that there are going to be some times in the near future, that we will have to whisper this question...and come to this conclusion: Neither height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:39)
I will try to keep you posted on the next steps. I have opened a Facebook page. It is Craig&Fran. If you would like to receive regular updates of our current situation, please request that I confirm you as a “Friend”. Please give us enough information for us to be able to identify who you are (pastor of a certain church, member of a certain church, friend, etc.)
Thank you,
Craig and Fran